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Whitecap All North Engeineering

Allnorth Consultants Limited (Allnorth) and Whitecap Dakota First Nation (through the business arm of Whitecap Development Corporation) have formed a partnership under the name of Whitecap Allnorth Consulting Services LP.

Whitecap Allnorth Consulting Services LP utilizes Allnorth for the provision of engineering and technical services to the mining, oil and gas, pulp and paper, chemical, and infrastructure sectors within the traditional territory of the Whitecap Nation.

The main objective of the partnership is to strategically build capacity and competitively execute major projects with a workforce that is reflective of Saskatchewan’s demographics. By combining the business and marketing expertise at Whitecap with the full suite of Allnorth engineering and field services the goal is to generate innovative solutions for clients and substantial economic growth within the Whitecap community.

Location & Contact



Whitecap All North Engeineering

182 Chief Whitecap Trail, Whitecap, SK, Canada

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