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News Release: 11/22/2018 Announcements in federal government’s 2018 fall fiscal update applauded

November 22, 2018

Announcements in federal government’s 2018 fall fiscal update applauded by the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce.
The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce is encouraged by numerous announcements contained in Minister Morneau’s fall fiscal update that was delivered yesterday. A renewed effort to eliminate interprovincial barriers to trade, various actions to reduce regulatory burdens, and businesses being able to quickly write-off investments into new equipment are all very positive.
“We congratulate the federal government on taking concrete steps to improve Canada’s competitiveness and reduce barriers to making investments in our country,” said Steve McLellan, CEO of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce.
Additional funding for businesses seeking to explore new export opportunities, increased support for the Nutrition North Canada program, and a variety of initiatives to spur innovation across the country are all aligned with numerous Chamber priorities.
“It’s clear from this update that Minister Morneau and Minister Goodale have both been listening to the business community’s concerns,” continued McLellan. “Diversifying trade and encouraging innovation are both critical to 
Saskatchewan’s long-term economic prosperity and will support businesses facing the competitive challenges of the recent tax and regulatory reductions in the USA,” said McLellan.
While the Chamber is pleased with the overall content of the fiscal update, it will continue to focus on the federal deficit, issues around market access, pipelines and ensuring regulatory approval processes support investment and growth.
The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce is the ‘Voice of Business in Saskatchewan’ and represents the interests of 10,000 businesses within the Chamber network.


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