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News Release: 11/10/2015 Saskatchewan Financial Literacy Network Announcement

November 10, 2015

For Immediate Release
November 10, 2015

Saskatchewan Financial Literacy Network created to address a real need in the province

A network of people, businesses and organizations with an interest in enhancing the level of knowledge and practices of good financial literacy has been formed within the province – and that is good news for consumers of all ages.

“Every day, people -young and old, make uninformed decisions with their money that may cause them unnecessary hardship in the future. Our goal is not to make decisions for people, but rather to ensure they have the tools to make informed choices,” said Steve McLellan, CEO of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce and a founding partner of the Saskatchewan Financial Literacy Network (SFLN).

Financial institutions, retailers and credit-providing companies offer consumers advice, but all too often that advice is ignored or forgotten. The SFLN will act in a leadership role to provide direction, support and action plans to improve financial literacy within our communities. It will have a focus on youth, seniors, newcomers, businesses, Aboriginal peoples, underbanked and people with special needs and disabilities.

The first gathering of the SFLN will be held on November 12, 2015 in Saskatoon. The input gained from corporate, non-profit and education sectors will serve to create clear next steps to address the challenges.

“As a provincial credit union, we believe we have a responsibility to help people learn the skills necessary to make responsible financial decisions which will help them meet their personal goals, develop financial well-being and strengthen our communities. That’s why we’re happy to be part of the Saskatchewan Financial Literacy Network” said Jessie Usselman, Community Investment Specialist at Affinity Credit Union.

“Part of my role as Financial Literacy Leader is to help build collaboration and that’s why I’m very excited to be participating in the formation of a new financial literacy network in Saskatchewan,” said Jane Rooney, Financial Consumer Agency of Canada. “There is tremendous work in financial literacy already happening here and this new Network will accelerate these efforts and expand their reach.”

"We are at an important time for change in financial education. And when change occurs, leadership is key. The leadership that will be provided by the new Saskatchewan Financial
Literacy Network will be a key to success in improving financial capability in Saskatchewan," said Gary Rabbior, President of the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education.

The launch of the SFLN coincides with Financial Literacy Month across Canada. The provincial government has also declared November 10th as Financial Literacy Day in Saskatchewan, and the Network organizers thank Education Minister Don Morgan for sharing the commitment.

The Network organizers include representatives from the Saskatoon Industry Education Council, Affinity Credit Union, the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, and Square One/SREDA.


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