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News Release: 1/25/2018 Alison Squires, Murad Al-Katib and Steve McLellan awarded Medals

January 25, 2018

Alison Squires, Murad Al-Katib and Steve McLellan Honoured with Senate Sesquicentennial Medals
On January 22nd, Alison Squires, Murad Al-Katib and Steve McLellan were awarded the Senate Sesquicentennial Medal in recognition for their valuable service to the nation.
This specially minted medal marks the Senate’s 150th anniversary, and honours individuals who have improved their community with exceptional generosity, time and dedication. Featuring the Senate’s emblem on one side and the recipient’s name and the Senate Chamber on the other side, this medal is a significant honour.
“I congratulate Alison, Murad and Steve on being recognized in this way, we have all benefitted from their commitment to our communities. The board of the Saskatchewan Chamber could not be more proud of Steve as a tireless champion of Saskatchewan businesses, truly working every day to make Saskatchewan the best place to live, work and invest” said Patricia Warsaba, Chair of the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce.
Alison Squires, publisher at Wadena News, Murad AL-Katib, founder of AGT Foods, and Steve McLellan, CEO of the Saskatchewan Chamber received these medals at the Legislative building in Regina from Honourable Senator Pamela Wallin.

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